60% of the requests to be forgotten are granted in Italy

According to Italia Oggi, in 2016 60% of the received request to be forgotten from search results has been granted.

The percentage concerns the request to be removed from search results after the European Court of Justice issued its famous “right-to-be-forgotten” decision in the Costeja case, C-131/12.

According to the source, the percentage consider the cases where the  Garante Privacy (the Italian DPA) issued a decision, as well as those where the requested party voluntarily complied.

According to a report published by Google at the end of 2015, the company accepted 42% of the 1,239,955 requests for removal received. See here.

The article Diritto all’oblio, sì alla tutela per oltre il 60% dei ricorsi can be downloaded (with subscription) at http://www.italiaoggi.it…



For more information, Francesca Giannoni-Crystal and Federica Romanelli.



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