Non-lawyers employees might still be called “officers” or “principals”. Texas Ethics Opinion 642 to be reconsidered

On October 15, 2014, the Professional Ethics Committee for the State Bar of Texas communicated its decision to reconsider Opinion 642, according to which law firms cannot use “officer” or “principal” in job title for non-lawyers.

The Committee Chair said that: “At this point I do not know what the outcome of the reconsideration will be nor how long the reconsideration will take, but I will let you know when the Committee completes its reconsideration of the Opinion.”

In June 2014, 53 law firms asked the Committee to reconsider Opinion 642 as it misapplied the relevant ethical rules “causing enormous problems for the day-to-day operations of law firms throughout Texas”.

The letter dated June 16, 2014, sent to the Committee is available at http://pdfserver.amlaw...

The letters dated October 16, 2014, sent by the Committee are available at http://pdfserver.amlaw… and http://pdfserver.amlaw…

For more information contact Nathan M. Crystal

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