Italian DPA opines on national DNA bank

On March 9, 2017, the Garante per la Protezione dei Dati Personali, the Italian Data Protection Authority (DPA), issued a favorable opinion on a legislation that regulates the Banca Nazionale del DNA, the Italian DNA Bank. The legislation regulates the modalities of deletion of DNA profiles, the destruction of biological samples, the input and updating of the data necessary […]

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Scientific research in Italy may be slowed down by new data processing rules

In an early effort to adapt Italian privacy law to the GDP, in November 2017, a new Article 110bis was approved for introduction in the Italian Privacy Code, redrafting the discipline concerning the re-use of data for scientific research or statistical purposes. The new Article 110bis, Italian Privacy Code, (Legislative Decree n. 196/2003) introduced three changes that […]

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German DPA against Facebook for processing data without permission

On October 24, 2017, Advocate General Bot issued his preliminary opinion in case C‑210/16, opining on the definition of a data controller, applicable national law, and jurisdiction under EU data protection law under Directive 95/46/EC. The opinion is not binding but if followed by the European Court of Justice (CJEU), EU companies that have been […]

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EU-U.S. Privacy Shield ensures “adequate level of data protection” but could be improved, EU Commission finds

On October 18, 2017, the EU Commission published its report on the first annual review of the EU-U.S. Privacy Shield. The report reflects the Commission’s findings on the implementation and enforcement of the EU-U.S. Privacy Shield framework in its first year of operation. According to the EU Commission, the Privacy Shield “continues to ensure an […]

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Scientific research in Italy slowed down by new data processing rules?

On December 12, 2017, a new Article 110bis of the Italian Privacy Code came into force, redrafting the discipline concerning use of data for scientific research or statistical purposes. The new Article 110bis, Italian Privacy Code, (Legislative Decree n. 196/2003) introduced three changes that might have harmful consequences for scientific developments. First, it restricts the possibility […]

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WP29 published criteria for appropriate administrative fines in GDPR’s breach

As announced (see here), on October 3, 2017, the Article 29 Working Party(WP29) published its Guidelines on the application and setting of administrative fines for the purposes of the Regulation 2016/679 (GDPR). Once a GDPR infringement is established, the competent supervisory authority (Article 5 1 GDPR)  must identify the most appropriate corrective measure(s) to address the […]

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Digital Single Market: unjustified geoblocking to end by the end of 2018

  On November 20, 2017, the European Parliament, the Council and the Commission committed to end all geoblocking that unnecessarily impedes consumers to buy products or services online within the EU. The EU digital single market should “give consumers the same possibility to access the widest range of offers regardless of whether they physically enter […]


US law firms – especially immigration lawyers – dealing with EU data subject be shall be mindful of future privacy changes

On May 2018, Regulation (EU) 2016/679, on the Protection of Natural Persons with Regard to the Processing of personal Data and on the Free Movement of Such Data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation, in short “GDPR”), will enter into force. The good thing is that starting from that date, the EU will […]

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