A Comprehensive Privacy Law for the United States?

In January 2014, a bill was introduced by Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Patrick Leahy to establish stronger data privacy standards for businesses. The bill full title is:

“To prevent and mitigate identity theft, to ensure privacy, to provide notice of security breaches, and to enhance criminal penalties, law enforcement assistance, and other protections against security breaches, fraudulent access, and misuse of personally identifiable information.”

The bill sets national standards for data breach notification, and requires businesses to take more security steps when they collect and store consumer information. In particular, the following is the table of content: Title I-Enhancing Punishment for Identity Theft and Other Violations of Data Privacy and Security, Title II – Privacy and Security of Personally Identifiable Information, Title III – Compliance with Statutory Pay-As-You-Go Act.

Title II only applies to organizations that collect data of more of 10,000 citizens.

On January 8, 20114, the bill was assigned to a congressional committee.


The Full Text is available at: http://www.leahy.senate…


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