Alessandro Mantelero, ‘Cloud computing, trans-border data flows and the European Directive 95/46/EC: applicable law and task distribution’, European Journal for Law and Technology, Vol. 3, No. 2, 2012

The paper deals with the fundamental issues concerning trans-border data flows and their consequences on applicable law.” It “consider[s] three different cases decided by the Italian data protection authority (Garante per la protezione dei dati personali).

The three decisions are the following:

  1. decision issued by the Italian DPA on 24 May 2006, doc. web n. 1299063 (see also: January 18 2006, doc. web n. 1242501; November 3 2009, doc. web n. 1687662; May 13 2010, doc. web n. 1735420)
  2. decision issued by the Italian DPA on 15 October 2010, doc. web n. 1759972
  3. decision issued by the Italian DPA on 4 November 2010, doc. web n. 1771838

Relevant Law Directive 95/46/EC

All the decisions are available at

The full text is available at