Argentina enacts a law on processing of data collected through CCTV surveillance

On February 24, 2015, Argentina enacted a new regulation addressing the use of closed-circuit television (CCTV) cameras used for video surveillance purposes.

The regulation requires data controllers to give previous notice and obtain consent to CCTV related data processing. Previous notice can be given by means of signs clearly informing data subject of the existence of the CCTV for security purposes.

Data can be processed insofar as the purposes for which they were collected allows. Confidentiality and security measures must be adopted in order to protect the collected data. Additionally, the CCTV database must be registered with the national data protection authority.  Data protection manual must contain at least the following information: collection means, place of collection, date and time of collection, place where the data are stored, security measures in force, and data subject rights.

Disp. 10/2015 is available (in Spanish) at…

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