Kurt Metzmeier and Shaun Esposito, How to Avoid Losing Your License on the Information Superhighway, Ethical Issues Raised by the Use of the Internet in The Practice of Law

The Conclusion of the Article:

“The information superhighway may be fraught with dangers for attorneys, particularly those who are apt to skirt the rules. Unwary lawyers may risk losing their license for inadvertently betraying client confidences, by soliciting clients on list serves and in chat rooms, or by passing over unclear ethical lines with a flashy web page. Despite these road hazards, attorneys will find that in the very near future a web page will be as essential as a shingle and a yellow page listing, and that clients will insist on using email to communicate with their lawyer, just as they use it to manage their businesses and to stay in touch with their kids.”

Rules: 1.6, 7


The full text was once available at http://www.legalethics.com/?page_id=408. This article originally appeared in The Kentucky Bar Association Bench & Bar Volume 62, Number 2, Spring 1998. pp. 14-23.