Spanish DPA issues Eur 1.2 million fine to Facebook

On September 11, 2017, the Spanish Data Protection Agency (AEPD) issued a closing resolution against Facebook deeming that the company doesn’t process data in accordance with EU data protection law. According to the AEPD, Facebook “collects data on ideology, sex, religious beliefs, personal preferences or browsing activity without clearly informing about how and for what purpose it will use […]

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Does the GDPR Apply to My Organization? The “Extraterritoriality” of the New European Data Protection Regulation

Regulation (EU) 2016/679, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) repeals Directive 95/46/EC and expands on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and the free movement of such data. The GDPR will come into force in May 2018 and will have an expanded territorial scope of application compared to […]


Cristina Vicarelli, La disciplina di Google Analytics a cavallo tra Italia e Germania

Nel giugno del 2016, l’Autorità per la protezione dei dati personali (di seguito anche DPA) di Amburgo, in accordo con le altre presenti in Germania, si è occupata della compatibilità di Google Analytics con la normativa nazionale sulla protezione dei dati. Le indicazioni che sono emerse dal provvedimento dell’Autorità di Amburgo  appaiono a un primo […]

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La disciplina di Google Analytics a cavallo tra Italia e Germania

Nel giugno del 2016, l’Autorità per la protezione dei dati personali (di seguito anche DPA) di Amburgo, in accordo con le altre presenti in Germania, si è occupata della compatibilità di Google Analytics con la normativa nazionale sulla protezione dei dati. Le indicazioni che sono emerse dal provvedimento dell’Autorità di Amburgo  appaiono a un primo […]

EU Commission’s ePrivacy Regulation Proposal to align electronic communications privacy to GDPR

On January 10, 2017, the European Commission issued a draft for a new ePrivacy Regulation (“Proposal”) that would replace Directive 2002/58/EC (‘the ePrivacy Directive’), implementing a higher level of privacy for all electronic communications. Scope of application: The Proposal applies to all electronic communication providers – including EU institutions – and aim at aligning the existing rules, which date back […]

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The privacy problem of cookie-free tracking methods: device fingerprinting

Cookie regulation in Europe is quite strict. In a previous blog we discussed the cookie law of France, Germany, Italy and the UK, focusing on information to users, user consent and consequences of violations. However, cookies are not the only method to track users. There are cookie-free tracking methods that are similarly invasive, for example […]

No jurisdiction over Facebook Ireland, Belgian Court of Appeal holds

On June 29, 2016, the Belgian Court of Appeal overturned the Brussels Court of First Instance’s decision against Facebook. The Brussels Court of First Instance had found Facebook liable for violation of Belgian privacy law for using cookies to track users who did not consent to the processing of their personal data and non users. Facebook was fined […]

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