California attorney disciplined for photoshopping pictures in her website

In the matter of Svitlana E. Sangray, Case Ns. 13-O-13838-DFM

A California lawyer kept a website featuring a large number of “publicity” photos showing herself and several celebrities. Many of these pictures were not genuine: the attorney had created them by taking original celebrity photos and overlaying her own image.

According to the court these photos are advertisement and solicitation for future work, directed to the general public through the website, and are be false, deceptive, and intended to confuse, deceive and mislead the public.

For this and other misconduct, the court recommended a suspension for 6 months and probation for three years.

The decision is awaiting approval from the state Supreme Court.

Rules: California Rules of Professional Conduct 1-400(D)(2) (deceptive advertising); 3-700(D)(1) (failing to promptly release a client file); section 6068, subdivision (i) (failing to cooperate with a disciplinary investigation).

Read the full decision here.

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